Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 3 about to start- it's going to be busy!

Firstly, congratulations to Mr and Mrs Burden on the birth of their second son, Riley, this Thursday. All well. I visited today and he's a lovely baby boy. Yay!

This is going to be a busy week! We've got Camp preparation to do (PLEASE keep those registration forms and parent helper forms rolling in!),  'Meet the Teacher' Evening on Tuesday night, and KVC Athletics Day Thursday!

 We still need parent helpers for camp, especially some Camp Dads and someone with a firearms licence so we can use the slug guns! I promise it's a fun time and not really hard work - we don't even do a tramp, but there's plenty of opportunity for you to have a go at High Ropes, Flying Fox, Speed Slide, Raft Building etc. We'll feed you well too!

Tuesday 7pm in the Hall we gather for 'Meet the Teacher/Parent' Evening before breaking off into class groups. We're in C3, where you are welcome to do a desk inspection while we chat about the plan for the year. Not compulsory of course, but a great opportunity to meet and put a name to the face!

 KVC Athletics Day this coming Thursday, weather permitting. We're going to use our great school grounds this year as we did in the past - this makes for such a fun day, with the whole school getting behind the events. For the Year 7 & 8 students, because we haven't had a long time to practise properly, we've replaced the discus with a good old fashioned gumboot throw - try explaining what that is to a newly arrived student from Greece! I tried...Macintoshes, galoshes, Wellingtons...but I suspect itmight not get muddy enough in Greece to need such a thing. I settled for a boot that you throw- why? Hmmm, not sure but anyway, Mariza is going to give it a go and throw a gumboot! Might see you there - on the bottom two fields.

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